Picture Writing

In ancient Egypt, there was an Egyptian pharaoh and he fought many shadow games in his day when he locked the magic away. 5,000 years later, a boy named Yugi solved the millennium puzzle, he is infused with magical energies that destiny One day, a bounty hunter wanted to take everything from him and then he challenged him to a shadow game and then whoever won, could take over the building. In the end, the pharaoh won the duel. The pharaoh continued running his business. He hired the people around the village and each employee had each of the seven millennium items with a different power. the spirit inside the millennium puzzle was a duelist who liked to challenge other duelists to shadow games. Whoever lost, their mind was sent to the shadow realm. His rival Seto Kaiba hosted the Battle City tournament located in Domino City where compete against each other in duels and that when they win, the loser has to give their best monster card to the winner and a locator card. And at the end, four of the finalists would move to the final battle with Marik when he plays a shadow game with real magic and the damage is real. and he gains the title king of games. but first you battle other duelists in Domino City to win their locator card. Marik was searching for the three Egyptian God cards and to steal Yugi’s millennium puzzle to drain the pharaoh’s power. then his friend Joey Wheeler vowed to help him save the world. when the Battle City Joey fought a Rare Hunter that used an Exodia deck and defeated him and stole his Red Eyes Black Dragon while he was going to visit his sister in the hospital. the next day, Yugi fought the Rare Hunter in a duel to take Joey’s Red Eyes Black Dragon back and won. Joey went on to defeat Espa Roba to win Jinzo from him. then he defeated Yugi’s old rivals Weevil Underwood and Mako Tsunami. while he was dueling, Marik’s Rare hunters were watching from the crowd waiting to capture Yugi’s friends while he used a fake name to cover his idenitity, Namu. and his friends were captured and Marik used his Millennium Rod to control them. Yugi was in a duel with Marik’s mind puppet Strings when he summoned Slifer The Sky Dragon until Yami used Brain Control to use Revival Jam to cause the dragon to attack and reflect it back to Revival Jam until Marik had no cards left to play and Yami won the duel. Yugi started to look for his friends when Lumis and Umbra challenged Yami and Kaiba to a tag team duel with Kaiba drawing his Obelisk the Terminator to defeat Lumis and Umbra in one turn. then they captured Mokuba and tied him up from a helicopter. then Lumis and Umbra challenged Yugi and Kaiba to another tag team duel on top of a building, whoever loses, they are sent to the shadow realm, falling to their doom. they defeat Lumis and Umbra surrenders the duel. Yugi duels Joey while under the control of Marik and he shows him the Red Eyes Black Dragon to bring some sense back into him. and the two of them had their legs linked to a chain with a timer, if it runs out, the loser falls to the sea. in the end, Joey came back to his senses. both Yugi and Joey were saved and the duel ended with no one getting hurt.

at the Battle City Finals, it was Yugi up against the evil spirit of the Millennium Ring with Yugi winning the duel and Yami Bakura banished to the Shadow Realm. Next, was Mai against Marik when Mai was banished to the Shadow Realm. 



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